
Washington DC:Introduction for Bluesman

Posted on 12/17/2009 by Virginiabluesman

First of all , I'd like to introduce myself . My name is Geraldo , AKA Bluesman , and I will be handling the D.C. area Blues scene here every Friday .

My plans for this great site are as follows , but not limited to : Reviews of D.C. area music venues , Concert reviews , CD reviews , Interviews and much more . D.C. is a hotbed for the Blues , and generally a person can see a top Blues entertainer in a small but NICE venue without having to brave the big crowds .

Some of the Blues clubs in the DC area that will be reviewed here are Blues Alley , The 9:30 Club , Madam's Organ Blues Bar , The Zoo Bar and many others . Some of these venues also go with Rock and Jazz but some are strictly the Blues . My goal is to help get the word out about the Blues life DC has to offer . When you're ready to listen to some Blues , come HERE and find the best places available in the area .

Reviews of shows like Joe Bonamassa , Michael Burks , ANA Popovic , Jason Ricci , Joe Perry Project , Candye Kane and so many others will be found here as well . Where are they playing , how much is the admission , is there a dress code , how to get tickets etc : I will do my best to answer these questions for you in my posts .

I chose the picture above for this post for two reasons : (1) I took the picture (2) This is one of my favorite entertainers in the world today . For those of you who may not know who she is , her name is ANA Popovic . She has the rare ability to electrify a crowd with her stage presence and her amazing mastery of the Fender guitar . Her name will pop into many of my postings and her music / shows will often be featured here , along with all the other greats of the Blues world , especially those frequenting our area nightclubs and Blues festivals .

I'm hoping to see all the D.C. area Blues people here to get all the latest Blues updates in the area . I also cover the local talent here and not just the legends , so if you know of a local Blues act (DC area) who deserves a bit of attention , please feel free to let me know the details . I can not guarantee the acts reviews will make it to this site but I will do my best to consider all requests .

Thanks everyone for reading on , and please make this your place to get all the latest Blues scoops in the Nation's Capital !


American Blues News Staff

What makes American Blues News unique is our coverage across America. Here is our lineup:

Mon: Memphis Correspondent - Robert "Nighthawk" Tooms
Nighthawk is our resident globetrotter and man behind the scenes, as he tours with the Reba Russell Band.

Tues: New York Correspondent - J. Blake
Blake is the American Blues News review and interview guru. You may catch him out and about in NY playing the blues.

Wed: National Correspondent - Monica Yasher
Monica is our executive director and artist interview specialist. You can catch Monica singing the blues around Pittsburgh or working on some country music songs in Nashville.

Thurs: Washington, DC Correspondent - Virginiabluesman
Geraldo offers inteviews and reviews. You may have seen him at an Ana Popovic concert or conversed with him on her websites, as he offers administrative support with her music.

Fri: Northeast Photographer - Nelson Onofre
Nelson offers a Friday column of blues photography and pictorial support for the interviews covered by the team.

Jim Stick in Colorado
Jim will be focusing on the Blues Festivals in the beautiful state of Colorado, and the artists that live and visit there.

Maureen Elizabeth, our resident art correspondent, will be focusing on blues art as she explores the creation of CD covers, or speaking with artists who also have a love of creating pictorial art in addition to their music! She may also feature some of her good friends in the Pittsburgh area. In her love of art, you may find Maureen's photography accompanying writer's articles on our pages. Maureen is also our marketing director.

Pittsburgh correspondent and photographer, CR Bennett, will share the Pittsburgh scene with all of you. You may also see CR's pictures accompanying other writer's articles.

We head to the big state of Texas! Abby Owen, our Texas correspondent.

Another big area to cover, the West Coast with Casey Reagan, Casey will feature many artists and events on this ocean's shores.

Lastly, we have our roving blues entertainment writer,
Chef Jimi.

And of course, we will surprise you sometimes!

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