
Robby Field .... A Surprise Find in the South .... By Catherine Hernandez-Faber

Posted on 9/17/2010 by Catherine

It's a Thursday night here in the South and my destination presented to me is a place off the Highway that many a Musician has played their way to the stage. The building is slightly off the path and not well marked and in fact if you aren't with someone who knows where it exists you would pass the Blues Tavern in Mobile, Alabama right by. Tonight though I'm being led by Gulf Coast Blues Society founder, Laura Vendetti into this Lil Juke Joint of the South.

As I walk into this smoke filled room, I'm greeted with a big southern "Welcome" and "Come on in" smile. As I look around I notice immediately the many pictures adorning the walls. A picture history tour with some familiar faces including a large centered and rather great picture of Mississippi born and Chicago's own Eddie Shaw. This makes me smile as I take my seat right near this picture of my friend. And get settled in to absorb and prepare myself for this band called "The Formally Known" led by Robby Field.

Knowing very little about the style and or the music I'm about to hear other than its Blues, and that Robby is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I knew I would probably get a bit of Cajun mixed with some Zydeco and Tradition. What I wasn't expecting was to be totally mesmerized and blown away from an Extremely talented young and the unknown name of Robby Field. He leads with a voice that is truly deep within his heart. His sound is unique his words are crisp, and of course he has that Southern Charm. The soft sided drawl with a smile that you can't help but smile back at.

Listening to him mix cover songs and his originals I'm caught up by the talent that this young man has and not just in vocals but in his fingertips. The crowd that is gathered tonight is mixed with followers of his music and new blood hearing him for the first time. The dance floor is filled with an all age group moving their hips and feet to this Cajun sound. The groove that is playing is deeper than a rut on a dirt road. The Band itself is tight, with a drummer who keeps tight as a pocket on a pair of jeans and a bass player who knows what a thump is. Then there is a guitarist who pics sharp and clean like the snap of bed sheets from a clothes line. The range of vocals is even more amazing and the harmonizing had me smiling and wanting more. Robby Field and his band "The Formally Known" simply and quietly just blew me away.

Tonight was such and unexpected treat. It's hard to find Artists who just let themselves be themselves instead of trying to be someone else let alone can carry the crowd consistently. Having fun on the stage and passing their Charismatic self into the audience is not always the easiest but Robby Field does it with such natural, graceful and humbled ability, that seems to just ooze from the South. His voice is one that is distinct as his guitar playing. I can hear the history of his style and teachings in his strings but it is his own personality that captures my ear. And not just in one song but thru the whole night. His voice is soft yet crushing like an Alligator bite. The Cajun drawl is as hypnotizing as a Hoodoo Man. This young man has talent in every way.

If your in the south find this band called the "Formally Known" and get ready to hit the dance floor. Guaranteed you will kick back and observe and absorb but before the night is thru the dance floor will call you, Robby's voice will echo thru you and a smile will come over you as your feet are moving and your hips are shaking. It's is that Louisiana Voodoo that Robby Field has and was born with. Tonight, and unexpectedly Robby Field and the "Formally Known" gained a fan who wants to see him play again before this Journalist heads back north, to feel the magic of his Cajun Mojo self and dance one more time.

Till Next time Everyone! Continue to support your Venues that carry Live Music. Check out the Websites and remember its Festival time in the next few weeks! One last chance before the weather changes!
Keep the Blues Alive!

Peace and Blessings-Catherine

All Photos taken and rights reserved by Catherine Hernandez-Faber
All Rights protected by American Blues News
You can find Robby Field and follow him on Facebook at

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