
Electro Glide Records New Artist Chris Beard at Kingston Mines

Posted on 3/11/2010 by Gatorman

Chris Beard @ Kingston Mines Chicago
(photo courtesy of Electro Glide Records)
(Chicago,Illinois) This past Friday night I went to Kingston mines to check out a performance by Chris Beard. I was glad I did. Chris calls Rochester, New York home. Chris is a second generation blues man. His Dad is the legendary Joe Beard . Joe is a more traditional player. Chris takes the blues to the next level. He has found a style that explodes on stage.

The normal adjectives do not do justice to describe Chris.
Killer, blazing, on fire, dynamite, possessed, they all fail to define his performance. Let me just write this. He is the most refreshing player I have seen and heard in a long while. A performer extraordinaire. The elite of the elite.  He has a uncanny way of attacking the guitar that I seldom see or hear. Chris' techniques far exceeds a lot of the players on tour today.  He is a master. Here is a video of Chris  at the Mines.
My neighbor Jimmy Warren also an Electro Glide Records recording artist was in the audience and sat in with the band

Chris, in 1998, was nominated for the W. C. Handy award. In 1999 he won Blues Beat Magazine's Muddy Waters award for new talent.  As part of his world tour Chris is currently in Beirut, Lebanon  for a month. 
Electro Glide Records, which is based in my area, has recently signed Chris Beard to it's roster. EGR is fortunate to have landed an artist such as Chris. 


For those of you in the Chicago land area some of the Electro Glide artists will be performing at a showcase. March 20th. 
Info can be found here.

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Blues Me Or Lose Me,

Terry "Gatorman" Lape

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